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Proposed Extension To Club Changing Room Facilities

Proposed Extension To Club Changing Room Facilities

Steve Castle7 Feb - 00:06
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Led by Peter Hollingworth the Directors have been reviewing proposals to provide much needed additional changing room facilities.

This document is to be read with the attached pdf labelled D&B RFC - Proposed Changing Room Extension Layout Plan.

It is well known that the changing facilities at the club are totally inadequate for all players, visiting teams of all age groups and both sexes and referees.

Back in 2006 when we completed the new clubhouse extension the old Deal Wanderers clubhouse (Previously RM Cricket Pavilion) was converted, on the cheap, into the four changing rooms we currently have with showers and two Referees rooms. On the cheap because the club had very little funds after the clubhouse extension, which was funded by members, not grants.

The two home dressing rooms have proved just about adequate, but the two visitor’s rooms are the original 11-a-side cricket dressing rooms (Home and Away) are not adequate for rugby teams and have become an embarrassment to the club. As have the two referees dressing rooms which are too small and contain no facilities leaving all Ref’s ,both male and female, being forced to use either the men’s facilities, or in the case of the females, the bar toilets and no showering facilities at all. I am sure it is clear to all we cannot continue for much longer as we are and the changing areas for all parties needs to be upgraded to provide adequate facilities and space.

Directors feel the obvious place to start looking at is the grassed area on which the current Ladies hut sits, and to look at an extension from the current changing facilities out all the way to within 1m of the grass verge leaving room for a footpath to separate the road from the building. By extending in this northerly direction, we can make best use of the existing drains and boiler room recently upgraded in readiness for such and extension.

The second thing Directors needed to consider was some funding for the project. To this end we have extensively researched the minimum RFU requirements for dressing rooms and found that to meet the minimum dressing room dimensions which must include on-suite showers, WC’s and wash hand basins, the numbers of which is related to the number of players going to use the facility. Even with the extension we would only have the space needed for two dressing rooms, three at a pinch, and this would not service two pitches.

We have therefore come up with a scheme where we can include four dressing rooms of adequate size and two referees dressing rooms. The drawings attached are the result of limited consultation within the club, but we would now offer the current scheme to all members for their thoughts. Doing it this way we will not unfortunately attract full funding from the RFU for the reasons I have given, however, there are other pots of money we hope to tap into. We should be under no illusions regarding funding this project, as undoubtedly
some funding will be needed from fund raising, members and sponsors alike.

An explanation of how we see the new layout working.

From a referee’s point of view, we will be able to accommodate a maximum of 4 referees at a push, however, with only 2 pitches the most likely maximum requirement will be two. These changing rooms will be accessed separately from the player changing facilities and be totally self-contained providing changing area, showers, WC and wash basin and could be used by both male and female referees.

From a player view point we have basically broken the facility into Saturday and Sunday needs. On a Saturday male players would access through the existing door into a widened corridor. The first two rooms being changing for two home teams, the senior of which making use of the largest of the two. The other two visitor changing rooms have been widened slightly but are now much deeper and easily big enough to accommodate a full rugby team. Doors from the four changing rooms into the lower, new, corridor would remain locked shut on Saturdays. Showering would take place in the existing shower room with an upgraded water supply and fully refurbished shower outlets.

On Sundays the changing rooms would rotate “Jack n Jill” style. If the ladies have games on both pitches, they would use the lower, new, entrance corridor and the doors from all four changing rooms into the men’s corridor would be locked shut. As can be seen, with this arrangement, these changing facilities proved adequate WC, shower and wash basin facilities for the ladies teams. If it was boys junior teams playing on both pitches the same, arrangement would prevail, however, if it was one junior boys match and 1 ladies
match then the changing room locked door arrangement could be changed on one home dressing room and one visitor dressing room and the boys could make use of the Saturday (Mens) corridor.

The first team/senior home team dressing room would be a very comprehensive and adequate space. Providing lockable kit and equipment storage below the seating, shallow cubical changing for up to 18 players with individual storage and hanging, and In addition the floor space will easily accommodate physio needs including the table.

We hope that’s all clear! If you have any questions or suggestions please either ring Peter Hollingworth on 07885 359968 or email

Directors will be happy to consider your thoughts and suggestions.

One last comment of importance, it has already been suggested we incorporate a gym in this extension. It should be clear to all, there is no room for that within this project. However, future plans will include for a player gym, watch this space!

Peter Hollingworth
Director of Rugby, Deal & Betteshanger RFC
On Behalf of the Rugby Club Board of Directors


D&B RFC - Proposed Changing Room Extension Layout Plan

Further reading